# Field

Fields are used to add functionality to controls and to attach/group components and elements together

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# Examples

# Base

# Addons

# Grouped

# Horizontal

# Slots

# Class props

📄 Full scss file

How does Class props inspector work?
Class prop Description Props Suffixes
addonsClass Class for components automatically attached together when inside a field.
👉 Use the expanded prop on the control to fill up the remaining space
bodyClass Class for field body.
bodyHorizontalClass Class for field body when horizontal.
🔍 Classes applied have a higher specificity than expected when mobileClass is applied
filledClass Class for the filled field.
👉 when it contains a input
focusedClass Class for the focused field.
👉 focus event emitted by form elements
groupMultilineClass Class when fields fill up multiple lines. groupMultiline
groupedClass Class when fields are grouped together. grouped
horizontalClass Class to align label and control in horizontal forms.
🔍 Classes applied have a higher specificity than expected when mobileClass is applied
labelClass Class for field label.
labelHorizontalClass Class for field label when horizontal.
🔍 Classes applied have a higher specificity than expected when mobileClass is applied
labelSizeClass Class for field label size. labelSize small
messageClass Class for the field message. message
mobileClass Class of file component when on mobile.
👉 Switch to mobile view to see it in action!
rootClass Class of the root element.
variantLabelClass Class of the label field variant. variant primary
variantMessageClass Class of the message field variant. variant primary

# Props

Prop name Description Type Values Default
addons Field automatically attach controls together boolean - true
groupMultiline Allow controls to fill up multiple lines, making it responsive boolean -
grouped Direct child components/elements of Field will be grouped horizontally (see which ones at the top of the page) boolean -
horizontal Group label and control on the same line for horizontal forms boolean -
label Field label string -
labelFor Same as native for set on the label string -
labelSize Vertical size of input, optional string small, medium, large
message Help message text string -
mobileBreakpoint Mobile breakpoint as max-width value string -
override Override classes boolean - false
variant Color of the field and help message, also adds a matching icon, optional. Used by Input, Select and Autocomplete string primary, info, success, warning, danger, and any other custom color

# Slots

Name Description Bindings

# Style

CSS Variable SASS Variable Default
--oruga-field-label-color $field-label-color #363636
--oruga-field-label-font-weight $field-label-font-weight 600
--oruga-field-margin-bottom $field-margin-bottom .75rem
--oruga-field-message-font-size $field-message-font-size .75rem
--oruga-field-message-margin-top $field-message-margin-top .25rem
--oruga-field-margin-right $field-margin-right .37rem
--oruga-field-horizontal-label-margin $field-horizontal-label-margin 0 1.5rem 0 0